Corporate Service
If you represent a company and would like information about the services, please send an email to with the following information. We will get back to you with our proposal corporate rate.
- Your Full Name
- Job Title
- Company Name
- Phone Number
- Address
- Annual Room Nights
- Local Office in Tokyo
- Name of Hotels: if your company currently has a relationship with, in Tokyo.
We will not use this information for any other reason than to respond to your inquiry, and to provide better service via this Web site. If your inquiry requires immediate attention, please contact our Room Sales directly.
Contact | Room Sales (81)3-5404-3918 |
---|---| |
[Service Hours]
Weekdays | 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Closed on Saturday, Sunday and National Holiday in Japan. During our closed hours, please contact the reservation desk or the front desk directly. |
Phone | (81) 3-3504-2222 |